Goal hit! The Garden of Enchanted Creatures!

A captivating ensemble of 78 beautifully illustrated cards. Each card, rich in detail and vibrant in color, not only delights the eye but also serves as a gateway to profound insights and inspiration. Designed to enchant and engage, this collection promises a unique journey.

Support this project on Indiegogo!

Step into the mystical world of the Garden of Enchanted Creatures Tarot, my latest Indiegogo project offering a collection of 78 exquisitely illustrated tarot cards.

Each card bursts with vivid colors and intricate details, inviting not only a feast for the eyes but a profound journey into personal insight and mystical wisdom.

Want to support this project while using Paypal? You can now back the Garden of Enchanted Creatures Here!

Pre-Order to Reserve Your Deck!

This deck isn’t just a tool for divination; it’s an interactive guide to exploring your own unique perspectives and uncovering hidden truths. Accompanied by a detailed guidebook, these cards provide both the imagery and the interpretation to help you see things in a new light—literally and metaphorically. Join me in bringing the Garden of Enchanted Creatures Tarot to life and unlock a world of enchantment and discovery that is uniquely yours. Sign up to be notified of the launch! There will be launch day specials!

Valdis's Annotated Guide to the Spirits of Unfinished Business

Dive into the mystical world of Valdis's creation with the "Annotated Guide to the Spirits of Unfinished Business," a Tarot book unlike any other. This collection of stories and tarot meanings brings you a book within a book that transcends the traditional boundaries of what a tarot guide looks like, offering you an immersive experience into the ethereal realm where the spirits of the Tarot dwell.

Order Your Signed Book Now!

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